Saturday, August 21, 2010


The other day, my friend got on of the DVDs of the old X-men cartoons and I was reminded how much cooler Gambit was than Wolverine.


  1. I think that must probably be the cutest Wolverine I've ever seen. It's like he's going through his terrible twos!

  2. hahaha I enjoy this very much sir

  3. Wolverine is a chussy, he could be killed so easily by Cyclops or Magneto and so many others. Plus the only thing i've ever liked wolverine in, is the movies; because I couldn't stop imagining Hugh Jackman dancing and singing show tunes dressed as a supposedly mutant bad ass! great job capturing wolverine's juvenile angst Dave :D and yes no one but Gambit can make a hot pink skin tight turtle neck look awesome.

  4. Wolverine is rightly angsty... considering he had and insane amount of surgery to meld metal to all of his bones. How would you like to never be able to play with magnets again...
